2010 Indonesia ready visited 7 million foreign tourist. Director General of Tourism Development Depbudpar Firmansyah Rahim said, tourism destination in Indonesia is ready to receive visits seven million foreign tourists (tourists) in 2010. "Fleet is ready, all the calculations are suitable including seating capacity of land transport, sea, and air," Firmansyah said in Jakarta last week.
He said, Indonesia java international destination. His department was taking into account the readiness of tourism destination with foreign tourists who visit the target next year is set more than seven million people throughout the year.
According to the Word, tourism destination that includes four interrelated and complementary in terms of attractiveness, facilities, accessibility, and community. "Kita memperhitungkan kesiapan destinasi dengan empat parameter ini," katanya. "We take into account the readiness of destinations with these four parameters," he said.
He argues, in terms of attractiveness, Indonesia's obviously very prepared because most of the tourism destination in the country based on the attraction. Sementara dari sisi fasilitas dan aksesibilitas masih bervariasi kesiapannya antar-wilayah. While the accessibility of the facility and readiness still varies between regions.
"And if we talk about community, then the service should be discussed include how to extend the length of stay and increased the number of tourists spending," he said.
According to the Word, the key to encourage the development of tourism destination is Sapta Enchantment containing grains of the concept of beautiful, safe, orderly, comfortable, clean, warm-hearted, and memories.
He said it was continually strive to achieve international quality destination and competitive community-based, sustainable, and encourage regional development.
In 2009, in terms of tourism competitiveness, Indonesia is still ranked 81st of 133 countries according to a study of the World Economic Forum. Untuk menaikkan ranking Indonesia diperlukan kerjasama sinergis seluruh pihak. Indonesia to boost the ranking of synergistic cooperation required of all parties. "Item-item penilaian yang terkait langsung dengan Depbudpar hanya 15, poin lain sebanyak 74 itu berkaitan dengan kebijakan instansi lain," katanya. "Assessment items related directly to Depbudpar only 15, others as many as 74 points was associated with other agencies policies," he said.
He pointed out, the study also considered the number of hospital room, the accident rate, and the long process of investment, which is not a direct policy Depbudpar.
Next year, it got an indicative ceiling of USD 141.4 billion, with 10 of these programs focus on increasing the attractiveness of facilities and infrastructure support through the assistance task and deconcentration.
It also will make conscious tourism campaign, PNPM rural tourism through tourism, and facilitate investment and tourism investment clinics.
Other programs will be developed next year is the application for labor certification and tourism business, tourism, SME development, preparation of travel patterns, and cross-sector coordination.
"We will also strengthen the management of tourism destinations through a model of DMO (Destination Management Organization) in some areas and follow up on the Act number 10 on tourism," said Vishwanathan Rahim.
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